Brazilian Cave Man

Lindomar Castilho the Brazilian cave man

Lindomar Castihlo – the hunter-gatherer.

The strong eyes of Lindomar Castilho.

The disrobing gaze.



The Neanderthal Man shows affinity for music.

Let’s get some facts out of the way first. Lindomar Castilho is a well known Brazilian singer. His music is not unlike that of Julio Iglesias. There is a probably a hotel cover band spewing out his tunes every waking hour somewhere in Brazil and the Spanish speaking world. By the time this 1974 record came out Lindomar had already recorded 30 LPs. It’s anyone’s guess how many records he cut before retiring to his cave.

The reason I appreciate this record is that it puts a damper on the Intelligent Design theory once for all. Without getting into the ID theory, let’s just say that its views are diametrically opposed to those of the Theory of Evolution. Look at this guy and tell me that some genes didn’t click in wrong. Tell me that his DNA is not more like that of his predecessor – the early man.

An anthropologist friend who reviewed the photograph assures me that while monobrow may have been more prevalent in the extinct hominids than in the modern man it’s by no means a measure of a specimen’s intelligence. Truly, monobrow is quite common in the Armenian population and the people from the Balkans who are some of the most intelligent individuals to grace this earth. Come think of it, I have a monobrow too and plenty of back hair to match.

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